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The is run and maintained by RIVER SHINE TECHNOLOGY (also known as "RIVER SHINE TECHNOLOGY," "Chooseit," "we," or "us"). You are presumed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the following agreement (the "User Agreement") by using the Chooseit service. This agreement is for an indefinite period, and you understand and agree that you are bound by these terms as long as you access this website.

Please contact us through email at or phone +91 8197317326 RIVER SHINE TECHNOLOGY if you have any questions concerning the terms and conditions of this User Agreement, as well as any comments or complaints regarding the Website.

The customer (you) is responsible for reviewing them frequently since we reserve the right to make changes to the terms and conditions of this User Agreement at any time without having to notify you.


The accuracy of the content on this website, as well as the invitation to offer, has been carefully considered., When creating the content for this website, special attention was paid to making sure that all product descriptions and prices were accurate as of the publication date. GST is included in all of the displayed prices.


Without the express consent of RIVER SHINE TECHNOLOGY, you are not permitted to use this website or any of its materials for any purpose other than your own personal, noncommercial use. The website complies with all applicable copyright and other intellectual property laws, which safeguard all information displayed, communicated, or carried therein. Chooseit is the registered owner of the trademark Chooseit.

Some of the content on the website may be protected by copyrights and other intellectual property that belongs to other parties. Chooseit and its affiliates, licensors, and partners created, updated, and maintained this website. It is forbidden to alter, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, reproduce, distribute, republish, perform, display, or in any other way commercially exploit any of the website's content.


Your account on the website is for your own, personal use if you want to register for one or are required to do so. You are not permitted to give anyone access to your account, nor are you permitted to give your account to another person or organization in any other way. You cannot use any aliases or other methods to disguise your genuine identity; all registration-related information about you has to be accurate. You are solely liable for any usage or unauthorized use made under your password and are responsible for keeping it secure.

Additionally, you expressly agree to receive communications from us via emails, phone calls, SMS, and/or customized push notifications on our website or mobile application, whether for any verification or towards promotional updates regarding our services and subscription plans, by registering your email address and phone number with us as part of your account registration.


We make every effort to give accurate product and pricing details. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any orders placed for a product if it is listed at an incorrect price or with wrong information owing to an error in pricing or product information, unless the goods has already been shipped. If an item's price is incorrect, we reserve the right to contact you for instructions or to cancel your order and let you know about it.

Your offer won't be taken into consideration until the item you ordered has been shipped, and we reserve the right to modify the item's price and get in touch with you for more information using the email address or phone number you gave us when you registered, or to cancel the order and let you know.

If we approve your order, the amount will be deducted from your credit or debit card account through the payment gateway or another suitable method, and you will be properly notified by email or a phone call, as appropriate, that the payment has been processed.

Prior to the shipment of the item you ordered, the payment may be processed. The sum will be returned to your credit or debit card account if we must cancel the order after processing the payment. Although we work hard to give you the greatest value, prices and availability may change at any time.


You acknowledge, agree, and confirm that the credit/debit card information you supply for the purpose of using the website's services will be true and accurate, and that you will not use a credit/debit card or other financial facility that you do not legally own or have access to. Also, you are aware that any financial data you provide will be received directly by our acquiring bank and not by us. Any credit or debit card fraud will not be held against us.


You acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this Privacy Statement by using this Site. Do not use this website or give us any personal information if you disagree with any of the terms in this policy. This website may change from time to time, as well as our policies on the collection, use, and other handling of personally identifiable information. At our discretion, we reserve the right to alter or modify this privacy statement. We shall abide by all applicable laws with regard to alerting you of any substantial changes to the information we collect or the way in which we use it and, where legally required, getting your agreement to those changes.


We track normal web log data including your IP address when you visit .


Our main goal in gathering personal data is to give you a secure, smooth, effective, and personalized experience.

We use the information gathered on this site for the purposes stated at the time of collection, to fulfill your request, and for other essential operations of our lawful business. To better understand our customers and the goods and services they are interested in, we may occasionally combine the information you have provided with other information we have received about you. If you have given us your contact information through this website, we will use it to send you any materials you may have requested as well as other information about us, our goods and services, or other goods and services we think you might be interested in. You give us permission to use the information you provide on this website in accordance with the terms of this privacy statement by supplying us with such information.


The website might have a number of discussion boards, blogs, and chat rooms where you can share your thoughts, views, and remarks about certain subjects. We cannot guarantee that the ideas you share won't be used by other users or third parties. Hence, if you have a thought that you want to keep private or that you don't want anybody else to utilize, we advise against posting it on the website.

Your participation and submission herein entails entering into a legally binding contract with Chooseit, which affects your legal rights. Before contributing any materials, please take the time to carefully read this and make sure you are aware of your rights and obligations. The following license terms (the "License") apply to any submission(s) you make on this website that involve content, including artwork, audio recordings, copy, pictures, music, photographs, text, video recordings, ideas, written materials, and/or other materials (collectively, "User Content").

1. You hereby grant Chooseit an irrevocable, nonexclusive, perpetual license to use and exploit your User Content in whole or in part across all media, in any and all forms, and with no payment of any kind. You also grant Chooseit the right to use your name, voice, image, likeness, and biographical information in connection with the User Content. All of the rights and licenses granted herein and/or this License in its entirety may be assigned or sublicensed by Chooseit without your consent or payment.

2. You hereby acknowledge and agree that: (a) Chooseit shall have the right to edit, crop, or arrange the User Content in any manner it desires in Chooseit sole discretion; (b) Chooseit shall not be required to give you credit when using your User Content; however, in the event that Chooseit chooses to do so, the size and placement of the credit shall be at Chooseit sole discretion; (c); and (d) you are not entitled to any payment or other consideration You are aware that should Chooseit utilize your User Content, Chooseit will be acting in reliance on your grant of rights, representations, warranties, and indemnities in this Agreement and may incur significant costs in reliance upon this grant of rights, representations, warranties, and indemnities.

You affirm and warrant that you are the sole and exclusive owner of the User Content and all trademarks and copyrights therein; that you are the author of the User Content and that each and every element of the User Content is an original work created by you; that you have the full power and authority to grant the License described herein; and that you will fulfill all of your obligations under this License.

COOKIES ARE SMALL FILES OR PIECES OF INFORMATION THAT ARE STORED BY YOUR BROWSER ON YOUR COMPUTER'S HARD DRIVE WHEN YOU VISIT A WEBSITE. YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OF COOKIES. Most websites utilize cookies because it is a normal practice in the business. When you visit one of our websites, Chooseit may use cookies or other passive tracking tools like Web beacons to gather information about you, including your IP address (a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you use the Internet), the internet browser and operating system you are using, and other details.


To protect your personally identifiable information, we take commercially reasonable safeguards. Despite the aforementioned, you expose any information online at your own risk because we are unable to guarantee its security.


Children under the age of 18 should not use this website. Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to register to use the interactive parts of our website, including chat rooms and message boards, or to sign up for email notifications. Please make sure to get your parents' approval before giving us any information if you are under 18 years old.


Visitors to this website should be aware that they might be taken to websites that are not under our control when they leave. Links to other websites that contain links from sponsors, partners, and advertisers who may use the Chooseit family of brands or logos are possible. These other websites could send users their own cookies, gather data in other ways, or ask for personally identifiable information. Be mindful of where you are browsing on the internet at all times. Find and review the linked site's privacy statement because it might differ from this privacy statement. No third-party website to which you may be linked from this one is endorsed or guaranteed by Chooseit to be adequate, accurate, complete, or to adhere to its privacy policies.


Many nations' laws and regulations put various (and sometimes conflicting) demands on data protection and the Internet. Although our site's servers may not necessarily be in India, we are. If you are located outside of India and use this site, any information you provide will be transferred to the host country. By submitting the information, you authorize this transfer and acknowledge that the host country's law, not the law of your home country, will protect the information you provide.


India's laws are used to govern and interpret these terms and conditions. You hereby expressly agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts sitting in India, for the resolution of any disputes arising out of your access to or use of the site or these terms and conditions.

Any claims you make in relation to the Site must be made in writing to Chooseit within one (1) year of the day they first materialized; otherwise, you permanently waiver your claims. You agree not to group your claim with any other party's claim; instead, each claim will be decided on its own.

The legality and enforceability of the other terms shall not be affected if any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid, void, or unenforceable.

The legality and enforceability of the other terms shall not be affected if any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid, void, or unenforceable.

With regard to the Site, these Terms and Conditions contain the whole understanding and agreement between you and Chooseit. You accept that this agreement supersedes and nullifies any prior agreements you may have had with Chooseit regarding the Site.

You and Chooseit concur that no partnership has been created and that neither of you nor Chooseit has the right or ability to bind the other.

No waiver of any term or of any breach of these terms and conditions shall be deemed a waiver of any other term or of any other or subsequent breach. If any term in these terms and conditions is found to be unlawful or otherwise unenforceable, it shall be severed, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.


The Conditions of Use will remain in effect until Website terminates them as described below. If Website determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that you have violated, misused, or unethically manipulated or exploited any term of these Terms or otherwise acted unethically, Website may suspend or terminate your use of the Website or any Service.

Website may remove any content or other materials related to your use of the Service if Website terminates your use of the Website or any Service, and Website will not be liable to you or any third party for doing so.

Until the time of any termination by either party, you are responsible for paying for any services or goods you have previously ordered. Furthermore, you are entitled to the royalties that have accrued to you or are otherwise lawfully recognized to have done so under the User License Agreement.


Without regard to principles of conflict of laws, the laws of India shall govern these Terms of Use, any agreements made on or through the Website, and your relationship with the Website.

You hereby consent to and accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in India, India over all claims, differences, and disputes arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, the Website, the Terms of Use, any transactions made on or through the Website, or the relationship between You and the Chooseit.


By sending an email to, you can contact our customer care team for assistance with any questions or grievances you may have regarding our products and services.


Please get in touch with us using the details shown above if you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about how your personal information is collected or used in accordance with this privacy statement.